If your family is in a temporary or inadequate living situation due to a loss of housing, your child might be eligible for certain educational rights and services.
A student is considered “homeless” if he or she is presently:
The Harrisburg School District also recognizes Unaccompanied Homeless Youth — students not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian and also meeting a homeless criteria.
If you think your family qualifies as homeless or you are a youth who may qualify as an unaccompanied youth, please contact the homeless liaison, Julie Price, or your school counselor.
Additional Resources
The National Center for Homeless Education website has a lot of good information, including a website for parents who want to help their child in school.
Click here to visit the NCHE website
Homeless Liaison (McKinney Vento) - Amy Ball
Phone: 870-578-2417
Fax: 870-578-9366
207 West Estes, Harrisburg, AR 72432